Providing effective, efficient and accurate Medical Examiner and forensic pathology services is critical in its impact on families, public health and safety, and the criminal justice system. Forensic is committed to this end, and standing by this claim we pride ourselves on hiring only the best specialized experts in the field, who consistently meet the highest industry standards, and deliver on our commitment.
Forensic Medical Management Services, PLC. – Replaces Forensic Management Services, PLC above.
Forensic Medical is a comprehensive forensic pathology company headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, which provides medical examiner, death investigation, medical autopsy services, expert forensic testimony and forensic management services to government agencies and private individuals. Forensic Medical is a division of a large multi-specialty pathology group, Associated Pathologists, LLC based in Nashville, Tennessee. Beginning in 1997, FORENSIC MEDICAL entered into an agreement with the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County to provide medical examiner and medical autopsy services. Currently FORENSIC MEDICAL serves the forensic needs of 51 counties in Tennessee.
Since 2012, Forensic Management Services of Texas (a subsidiary of FORENSIC MEDICAL) has provided medicolegal autopsy services and expert testimony to 34 counties in east Texas. FORENSIC MEDICAL of Texas provides management services for the Jefferson County Morgue and operates an independent morgue in Tyler, Texas.
Hours of Operation
Due to the nature of the services we provide, Forensic Medical is a 24-hour a day, 365 day per year operation.
Standard business hours for the general public are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday except major holidays. Both investigative staff and medical staff are available at all times to respond to reported deaths or other emergency situations. Our goals are to respond to the scene of a death within one hour of the initial report, have the physical autopsy completed and body released to the family within 24 hours, and final completion of the autopsy report and ancillary laboratory tests in approximately 8 to 16 weeks.
National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) Accreditation
In 1998, the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County Medical Examiner office, managed by FORENSIC MEDICAL, received NAME accreditation, which it continues to hold to the present. This accreditation assures that the counties served by FORENSIC MEDICAL conform to the highest level of national standards and practices in all aspects pertaining to science of forensic medicine.
Impact On Families and the Criminal Justice Process
The unexpectedness of death is a source of trauma, anxiety and grief among survivors. In many instances, the investigator from our office is the first person to talk with the bereaved. Talking to the bereaved is a sacred responsibility, and we strive to conduct ourselves with compassion, caring and genuine concern. This is a critical aspect in serving our public.
For the decedent’s family, the issuance of death certificates is one of the most important functions performed by the Medical Examiner’s office. A properly completed death certificate is required for the collection of insurance and settlement of estates. Additionally, an incomplete or improperly completed death certificate creates extreme difficulties for family or friends trying to arrange burial or cremation.
Deaths due to homicide represent a significant percentage of our work. The results of our investigation and autopsy findings are a critical part of the investigation and prosecution in homicide cases. Forensic pathology also plays a part in all motor vehicle deaths, which sometimes involve criminal or civil liability. Our staff prides itself in working with both prosecutors and defense attorneys to assist them in understanding the results of the death investigation and autopsy, which improves the efficiency of the criminal justice system.